keep track of your inspirations of amazing photography using Evernote

Inspired Photography with Evernote

Inspired photography. As a very amateur photographer, I’m constantly researching and looking for ideas and techniques that will give me some inspiration into what I enjoy photographing the most, and perhaps what I might be good at, or have a natural eye to see. To expand upon my knowledge, I’m…

the shuofang headlamp

Shuofang Headlamp Review

In the market for a new headlamp for your camping and hiking adventures? Look no further than the Shuofang headlamp with a built-in USB rechargeable 2000mAh battery. I’ve had this headlamp for a few months now and it’s used on hiking excursions, nights out camping and on night sky photography…

The Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle

While on an excursion searching for and mapping out abandoned buildings in Central Alberta, I spotted a large bird perched in a tree off in the distance. I swapped out camera lenses – opting for my 600mm zoom – perfect for my interest in bird photography. I haven’t seen too…

use a bit of common sense when taking photos of wild animals

Your Safety Around Wild Animals

As a human being, you should always be aware of your surroundings and your personal safety. Purposely doing something extremely stupid isn’t always the best of decisions, and when dealing with wild animals, you have to remember that no matter how calm that animal seems, it is still wild and…

frustrations of airline travel

Airport Annoyances

If you are an air traveler, I’m certain you can relate to these airport annoyances. Here is an open letter to “that” traveler that was in front of me at the #yeg airport a few weeks ago. Dear inconsiderate air traveler, Have you never flown before, or perhaps had an…