The Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle

While on an excursion searching for and mapping out abandoned buildings in Central Alberta, I spotted a large bird perched in a tree off in the distance.

I swapped out camera lenses – opting for my 600mm zoom – perfect for my interest in bird photography.

I haven’t seen too many Bald Eagle’s in my lifetime yet, but “just knew” that from the size and shape this must be a Bald Eagle. My camera lens proved that and I managed to get this photo.


The plan was to walk towards this beautiful bird and take a new photo every few steps, but it seemed like he had no interest in me, and flew off the moment I started on my approach from several hundred meters away.


I did some zooming and cropping of my one photo, and this is about the best I could do. Pretty grainy, but I’ll take it as my capture of a Bald Eagle – for now.


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