The Upside Down Fire

You’re probably still using the Tipi or Log Cabin type of fire when you go camping, aren’t you? Ever hear of an upside down fire? No… you’re not going to get flames magically shooting downwards, but the upside down (or reverse) fire is built in reverse to what you’d normally…

Winter Camping with the Jeep

I’ve been pacing the floors far too often this winter. Eager to get out and enjoy being surrounded by nothing but the wilderness, and when weekend weather reports were calling for +9C and a low of only +4C, I thought that it would be a great time to get out…


Really, who doesn’t enjoy a good fire when out camping? For me, even just having my mind drift away from the Monday to Friday stresses of work disappear when building a fire and keeping it going. After all, fire is very much a part of human survival and comfort. Fire…