bickering crows at jasper national park

Shooting Animals – My Top Ten in 2015

I’m not sure about you, but I like shooting animals – and yes, just for the fun of it. Bears, deer, elk, bison are my common targets, sometimes I’ll find a beaver or muskrat. Birds are a huge problem so far, as they are fast-moving and the unpredictable nature makes…

Fort White Earth Alberta

Fort White Earth Alberta

Fort White Earth, or “Lower Terre Blanche House”, doesn’t really have a lot of recorded history in Alberta – at least not from a few quick internet searches I had done, but I’m ok with that as a part of my adventures are all about getting out for the journey…

a winter excursion in nordegg alberta

Nordegg Winter Excursion

I had a four-day trip planned into the “Winter Wonderland” area of Nordegg, Alberta, but shortened it down to just a couple of days – the roads I was planning to be on were closed to heavy snow and ongoing storms – and with a prior engagement on my last…

Yellow Headed Blackbird

The Yellow-Headed Blackbird

The Yellow-headed Blackbird demands your attention – from the beautiful coloring to the screeching call they make that sounds like a rusty gate being opened – this bird is impressive. Watch for them nesting in the same areas as wrens and red-winged blackbirds. But you’ll likely hear this bird before…

a Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

The Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

I’ve been seeing this curious critter a fair bit up in the higher elevations of the rocky mountains of Alberta and earlier this year was able to identify these squirrels as the “Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel”. You might initially think it’s a large chipmunk – but if you look closely,…